One of the best ways to make sure that your residence remains cool and comfortable, especially during the hotter seasons, is to have your air conditioner frequently serviced. In order to achieve that, you can either hire a professional aircon servicing technician or you can follow certain do- it-yourself steps. Yes, you can perform some air conditioner servicing activities without professional assistance, even if you don’t understand how the air conditioner functions. Moreover, you don’t need any special tools or skills.
Remember that professional aircon servicing can cost you a great deal of money, but by following some easy maintenance steps on your own, you can be able to save that cash. Follow the following DIY aircon servicing and maintenance steps, and remain cool throughout the hotter seasons.
1. Turn off the Power
Turn off the main source of power to the system and discover the capacitor. You can find the capacitor by adhering to the instructions given by the manufacturer.
2. Clean Your Aircon fan
Use a brush to clean your air conditioner fan. Odds are the fan will be covered with leaves, debris, and dust particles. This is an important step because it helps to prevent any major technical issues with your air conditioner unit. In order to repair your condenser, you will have to part with approximately $700. To avoid these charges, be sure to clean your condenser. Get rid of the cover and remove the setscrew that holds the air conditioner fan in its position. Detach the fan to reach the oily parts. Lubricate the motor using the oil that’s recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Clean the Condenser Coils
Use a farm hose to clean the coils. Detach the coil protector before you spray in the interior unit. By so doing, you will be able to avert the build-up of any water soaked materials in the fins. In case the fins are twisted, use a fin comb to make them straight.
4. Reuse the Refrigerant
In case you require new refrigerant, you should reuse the existing one. This is because only pros should change the refrigerant to ensure no dangerous gases are introduced into the environment in the process. Be sure to contact a professional if you need to change the refrigerant. If need be, you can replace the filter.
5. Check the Filters
An air conditioner filter is a crucial part of the entire air conditioning system. The filter purifies the air we inhale. If the filter is dirty, it can result in accumulation of bacteria and fungi, among other potentially dangerous microorganisms. In order to clear the air-filter, detach the guard that covers it. Detach the filter and wipe it using a clean piece of cloth. Use nonabrasive detergent and water to clean your aircon filter. Be sure to dry the filter thoroughly before returning it to its position. Do not recycle a worn-out filter. Buy a plastic electrostatic filter from a store near you. This costs approximately $7. Use a pair of scissors to cut the filter. Rinse the filter properly using clear water and then ensure that it totally dry before installing it.
6. Clean the Ducts
Make sure that you service the air ducts on a regular basis. Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of any objects such as debris and dust that accumulated in the air ducts.
7. Perform regular Check Ups
Perform regular checkups on components such as the thermostat, breakers and fuses. Make sure that the various connections are all in position.
By just following these few easy air conditioner services steps, you can improve the performance of your cooling system and also prolong its life, to ensure it keep your home cool for longer. Regardless of the time of the year, take these easy DIY aircon servicing precautionary measures to ensure your air conditioner performs more effectively during the hotter seasons. It is always best to take precautionary measures rather than have to repair the entire the unit again. And the best bit is that a DIY aircon servicing activity will be a cost-effective options compared to hiring a speciality to do the job for you. Whether you have used air conditioners for many years or are using one for the first time, remember to follow these simple steps and stay cool throughout the hot months.